Monday, July 8, 2013

God has a better plan for us.


What is up!??

First: last week ... It was a crazy week!! I had to say goodbye to my district which was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I had the best teachers and district ever!! I love that place! I am definitely going to miss it!  I finished the Libro de Mormon!! Wow that was a lot of reading! Definitely can´t speak fluent... ha ha that is okay, it was a really awesome experience to read it all in three weeks. I finished it with my roommate from Guatemala and I would read it three times for how sweet that experience was!! 

This week has been great. Hard, but great! It has definitely been a week full of ups and downs. I have a really awesome companion. She is really patient with my Spanish and super helpful! Her name is Hermana Maciel. She is so sweet! I am going to love being her companion. We definitely have a hard time communicating. I can definitely say that is going to be the hardest part of my mission so far! I love to talk and figure out my head by talking to other people but I kind of can´t do that here. That is okay my prayers have gotten really really beautiful, recuse when I don't know a word in Spanish He thankfully knows that same word in English! My companion is a perfectionist! It is hilarious! I make fun of her because I have spent more time staring at her try to white out a mistake with her little correcter than many other things here is Chile - -  it is hilarious! She is really sweet though! I have had quite a few down mornings and she is always good to me. She says some pretty profound things that surprisingly I can understand! 

 I am learning every day what it really means to serve with all my heart, might mind and strength. It is not easy. Satan is really good at what he does, but I have learned so much!!  I love my ward!  We get fed lunch every day!! Que bacan!!  I know I am spoiled with that blessing!  I love my area also! We have a lot of people to teach and a lot of work to do! The two I am most excited about is two different families. The first family is a part member family. Paula, the daughter and Aldalfo, the nephew are both members. There are five kids and the parents. The dad came to church for the first time this last week and they are so fun to teach. They have three older daughters and then two little boys! The house is always full of laughter, food, and chatter! They have so many questions and that is one of the times I get most frustrated and want to learn Spanish the most! I want to help answer those questions. I have had a lot of the same questions! It is definitely my favorite house to visit. I got to testify of eternal families which is my favorite thing to testify of. It is amazing how much more Spanish I know when I am putting more trust in my Savior. Then after that their whole family prayed together! It was so beautiful!! The other family is a family of this little girl someone found six months ago. Her name is Isidora. Isidora is so sweet and we are teaching the grandma as well. Friday we had an awesome lesson with the mom about families. I really hope to include the rest of the family. 

Chile is awesome!  I have three roommates other than my companion. They are all from ... of course South America, so it is all Spanish all of the time. Except of course when it is time to study idioma, this is my favorite part of the day! I feel very smart because I know what the word for chair is!! 

I am sure you are all wondering, how is my Spanish... ha ha well it is good.... and then not so good at the same time! I have a lot to learn that is sure! I understand a lot. When I am in room with a bunch of people talking I can pretty much always tell you what the conversation is about. If I am listening to a sacrament meeting or a lesson I understand pretty much all. Talking is a whole other story. Whoever came up with the idea to conjugate verbs and then make every verb irregular is a mean person!! Talking is hard for me! Some days I feel like I am not learning any at all but that is okay I have to be learning at least a little bit right? Learning a new language is a very interesting experience! I miss being able to express certain concepts. The word I miss the most: awkward!!! Spanish does not have one good word for awkward and it is one of my favorite words! So I have taught everyone I can what that word means. But the good news is the word they use for being surprised is lluta!! (pronounced Utah) Bacan eh?! 

My area is a creepy mix of California and Utah! The mountains are just like Utah and the big ones are to the east! I love this area! We walk pretty much everywhere but take the bus probably once a day. The bus here is called the metro and it is crazy fast!!  Our sector has really really poor people who sell in the streets for money all of the way to really really rich people who have giant houses and servants and then everyone in between! It has been really interesting! Everyone here is super nice like everyone says! We definitely get a lot of addresses of people who are just trying to be nice! I spend a lot of time in lessons and I can't help but think of how grateful I am!  If I was Sara or Heather I would have to be in the streets more often .... wow! You guys are amazing!! 

I have p-days on Mondays and I have an hour and half to write. I have not gotten the package yet but would love one. And if you guys want to send me another package I won't stop you. If you could send some peanut butter squared bars I would be most very grateful!!! Also a small English hymn book and a bright colored shirt. That package does not have to come now but soon would be good. 

I love you all so much!! I hope that is good to let you guys know a little more about what is going on. I love my life! It is so hard here! I cry like every day but I am learning so much! It is exactly what Emilee says. It is so hard, but I am learning lessons that I don't think I could learn anywhere else! I am learning how to truly devote myself to God! I have been truly humbled!  I need Him!  I need his love and His power!  There is no way I could do any of this stuff without him! That lady in our ward (Denise) was right! ... our best thinking will lead us no where good. I think that includes our desires. What we think we desire most will lead us nowhere unless God desires it too!  God has a better plan for us! I testify of that! 

Love you all! I pray for all of you every day!! 

Love Hermana Webb

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