Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We are so not alone!!

Misión Chile Santiago Este
Cristobal Colón 6824
Las Condes, Casilla 27.144
Santiago, Región Metropolitana
 Hermana Maciel

Family!  Hey!  How are you all?!  I would like to first announce that I am safe!  I do not have to leave good old Apoquindo B.!!!!  Which is the best, by the way!  I really think now that I have heard about all of the other sectors this is the best sector in the entire mission and since we all know this is the best mission in the entire world; I am basically in the best sector in the entire world.  So, naturally, I really did not want to leave.

Carlie's Zone

Paola and her family are still doing super well.  Paola is officially divorced with her old husband and now we are anxiously waiting the 250 days that we have to wait until she can marry Edgardo and they can get baptized. We spend a lot of time at their house which could not make me happier.  I wish I could explain to you how good Paola is!  She just loves to help people!  She has this way of working her fingers to the bone to barely keep her self alive and bless and lift every person around her!  Her kids are following in her wise footsteps. Vania is always ready to help.  She is only thirteen but acts like a wise twenty year old.  Josefa is progressing too.  Almost every time I see her she proudly announces that she prayed.  Basically ... I love them! 

Ariela (the manos activo and madre de Rodrigo) is having a hard time.  It is hard to know how to help her.  Her problems are justifiable and I feel bad telling her that even though she did work all through the night, she still needs to get up and get to the capilla the next day for three hours.  I would have a hard time if I had that problem too.  Then to make things worse her house is totally falling apart and I don´t know how to help her fix it for good, not just for a week.  It is hard to even feel the spirit in her house because of all of the stuff.  She is such a good person and is working so hard for her kids.  She obviously feels the blessings of the gospel through her kids, but it is still so hard for her to do things like go to church. The problem is too .... that affects her son and daughter. 

Erika is new.  She lives in the sector de los elderes, pero she has no esposo entonces we get to visit and teach her, which is awesome because she is so great!  Erika has a lot of trials in her life.  But she is choosing to respond with faith!  Everything we teach her - it is like she already knows it!  I love it because it is obvious God is teaching her and she is listening!  I love it when that happens because they progress so much faster! (obviously)  I probably told you guys about her already.   But she is so cute.  It is so weird ... people tell us all of the time that we are like angels who come into their home.  I think they are getting it mixed up.  I think they are just noticing the angels that are following us around.   She is one that tells us that the most.  I love being in her house because she reminds me of the angels.  Her dad passed away a year ago and he did not believe in God.  I guess he was a little rough around the edges but Erika loves him so much!  I like to think Grandpa has a really good personality to convince him that there is a God who loves him!  I love this whole missionary work thing.  We are so not alone!

I think that is about it! We are super excited to have one more cambio juntos!  Hermana Maciel really is an amazing missionary!  It has been so fun to work with her and learn from her!  I can´t wait to see what I will learn in the next 6 weeks from her. 
Dad suggested that I write down the different reasons I have hope:
1. I have a God that knows me and LOVES me.
2. I have a Savior who died for me because he LOVES me.
3. I have the greatest family ever that is bound forever in LOVE.
4. I have the hope of a forever family of my very own that will be bound in the same LOVE forever!
5. I have the hope of changing and becoming better every day, and having a greater capacity to LOVE as I do it.
6. The people that I LOVE can receive all of the same blessings I listed!
7. One day I can fall at the Savior's feet and declare I did all I could to LOVE and have faith in him.
8. Because LOVE is even stronger than death, I can feel the love throughout my life.  I don´t even have to wait. 
9. God´s LOVE is even stronger than death. I can feel the LOVE throughout my life I don´t even have to wait. 
10. Because God has perfect LOVE for me, He also has perfect patience with my weaknesses.

Did you guys catch the pattern?  I tried to point it out.  LOVE!   LOVE is the reason this all works. My faith is weak; I can be pretty prideful at times but I love our Savior and I love these people here, so it turns out God still lets me teach.  Or in other words as Sara loves to say:  "I believe in Christ so come what may!"  I love you all!

Hermana Webb

(Cute Hermana Lori DeYoung delivering a package and hug to Carlie for me.)

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