Monday, October 14, 2013

Good news is God does a really good job with His awkward servants

Hi family! I love all of your faces so much!

This week has been great and let´s be honest it just got so much better!  I love my life! I love my companion! I love my area! And I love my God! I hope that is not bad to say because I really really mean it!  We have been so blessed here! 

So we are super super lucky and eat lunch in the casa de presidente cada semana. Which is really fun because we have gotten to know him and his wife pretty well. I really love Wednesdays! One day we were joking around about this one time when a neighbor toilet-papered his tree.  I am still kind of sad that I was such an angel child that I was never stupid enough to toilet paper someones tree ha ha just kidding but I got the bright idea to do it to president.  So, one day when we went to lunch and he was not there we not only toilet-papered his tree, we also used his toilet paper to do it.  Ha ha!  He was pretty proud of us!  He told us bien hecho!  Entonces I was pretty thrilled with my great idea!  (This event with a photo was posted on the Mission President's wife's Facebook page last week.)

Okay for this weeks drunkard! My companion is a leader so we go on divisions a lot now.  I was with a very fresh from the states 19 year old gringa this week and we were contacting in the street. A girl walked past us very distressed and so we stopped her and asked her if there was anything we could do to help.  It did not take us very long to discover that this girl was very drunk!  We found out where she lived and decided that we better walk her home because it was on the other side of a very busy street.  By this time we became very good friends! She gave me her jacket to use and my companion for the day was holding her hand pulling her from the street so that she did not get hit by the cars. We finally got her across the street and were just going to leave her there because we were really close to her house and she did not want us to go in, when she asked us to give a blessing.  We explained that we cannot give blessings but we told her if she could give us the address of the house of the girl that needed a blessing the elders could come back another day.  She insisted and led us by the hand to where this girl was.  Suddenly were were in front of a catholic church.  There was this huge line with all of these people crying with flowers.... it was a funeral.  The girl she wanted us to bless?  Yup!  The dead body!  Ha ha wait, wait it gets better!  We told her that it is against the rules to go into other churches because we are missionaries but she kept saying now please!   Give her a blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost!  My poor companion was pretty confused!  The lady proceeded to pull on my arm crying and yelling please please come in!!  Finally she stopped and said wait for me!  So we waited (that was dumb!)  She came out with the priest and his wife!  This very nice pareja who told us that this capilla is our house and we are always welcome!  We explained to them who we are and I think they understood but our sweet drunk friend did not get it.  When we finally got our arms away we ran the other direction yelling sorry! and left the poor drunk lady crying in the yard of the church telling us she will never believe in us again... Good thing she probably remembers none of it!  To top off our wonderful night we walked for probably one block and there was a nice man peeing in the middle of a square.  Oh Chile How I love you! 

Okay so I am not done! Remember that family that is selling drugs? Yeah we have still been visiting them. Ha ha so this week we discovered it is a family business.  The sister of this lady is selling drugs too!  We did not know they were sisters and we definitely did not know they were in on it together!  It was pretty funny!  So now they are running away ... I guess they were found out so they have to leave.  But we were told by the mission leader to never go back anyway because it has been confirmed that they have all kinds of drugs in that apartment.  I felt so cool!  I definitely feel flaite!(which is like gangster.)

I love my companion! We laugh so much! And now that we can actually talk we are having even more fun!  Before when one of us cracked a joke the other did not understand so we were not funny for a good two months but now we are funny again!! (at least we think so).  She is pretty funny!  You think she is just perfect all of the time and would never crack a joke but she is pretty good!  And now that she is learning English it is even more fun!  I am going to be bummed this change -- it is almost certain she is going to leave. 

Paola and her family are still my favorites! I was worried about Vania for a little while but she is so wonderful!  You can tell satan wants her because she got hit with a lot of really hard temptations right after she got baptized but she is fighting back and I love her!  Josefa is so great!  She is praying now ever night!  She wants to get baptized!  We now just have to convince her parents that she is ready.  I think she is!  Edgardo´s is being a good daddy!  I watch him kiss the heads of his cute twins during church and want to cry!  I am so proud of them!  They are my favorites!

Also we have a new family!  The same family that I thought I scared away last week let us into their apartment on Friday!  Not only did they let us in but they talked our faces off until like 10:40 at night! (which stressed my poor companion out! It was the closest thing she has ever had to a break down). We were a good 20 min. late!  But they are super cute!  They love the violin and love to travel so we became fast friends! 

I studied passion this week.  And of course to study passion the perfect person to study is Ammon!  I love him so much! I love his story and I love his passion! He faints like three times in his story that he is so happy that he just can´t contain it. My favorite part is the end when he faints yet again when he sees his buddy Alma otra vez.  It says that only a truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness can have that kind of joy.  I love that!  I want to be a truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness!  I want to search for happiness but not like the world looks for it how God wants to look for it!  I want to be penitent or repentant and change every day so that every day my heart can be filled with more love and more power of God.  I want to be humble and remember that it is all in Him and never lose faith that with Him the future can always be bright!  Sometimes I need to harness my passion because I freak out too quickly and too easily, but with that passion I can be a better servant for Him!  That is the goal at least!  I am still awkward but the good news is God does a really good job with his awkward servants! Turns out we all kind of are! 

Sorry I don´t have a lot of words of wisdom this week but I think that is a good thing ... our poor ward is probably really tired of hearing from me. I love you all so much! I love that I just get to go for a year and a half and while I am gone every Monday I get to see how God is carefully shaping each of you!  It is beautiful!  He is involved in our lives!  He loves us so much and has such a fun adventure ahead!  I love that He continues to add more!  Every thing that feels taken away will be returned and He is going to just keep giving! I love you all!

Hermana Webb

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