Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Miracle of the Sandia

Hey family!!

I can´t believe I am writing you all again. The weeks are flying by. This week was full of ups and downs. 

On Monday after I finished writing you guys, we went to Familia B______. They did not go to church two Sundays ago and I was worried. Our cita with them also fell through.  So we went there right after p-day was over and they were definitely in their house ... they just did not open the door. That is when Hermana Webb started freaking out!!  I called M____ and she hung up on me!  I was in a bad mood!  I was so worried.  We had lost this family and I thought that it was all my fault, because it happened right after my other comparnion left.  I pretty much did not talk all of the rest of that day and the next because I was so worried.  My companion suggested we use our "greatest weapon" and fast.  I was willing to try anything so we started our fast on Tuesday and ended it on Wednesday.  Shortly after lunch on Wednesday I felt strongly that we should go to B_____ house.  I rejected the idea but it came back.  So I told my companion what I was thinking -- I was sure she would reject it because we had made the deal that we would not worry until Friday.  But, she quickly agreed with my idea.  I hesitated again but finally decided it was a good idea.  C___ was home!  He opened the door and invited us in!  It was an obvious miracle.  He told us that a lot had been happening at work and that they had been super busy.  He invited us to say a prayer and told us that he continues to say his prayers every day.  He was the same good old C.B. that I am used to visiting and it made me super happy.  He was talking about his work - he is the boss and is trying to cooridinate a lot of different schedules and it has been a nightmare.  Then he looked at me and said "can you imagine what God has to do with all of us?" It was great!  Because it was like C____ was looking at me and saying: 'look! God coordinated it just right so I would be here when usually I am not so that he could answer your fast!'  It was really beautful. C_____ did not need the visit, I did!  And God gave it to me.

What made the story even cuter is just before we went to their house my companion interrupted her own sentence to tell me that she was dying for a watermelon (sandia.)  She told me that she was craving a cold sandia right at that moment and she would do anything to find one.  We laughed about it and went to their house instead.  After we talked to C____ for a second he offered us a sandia.  It was pretty fun. It made the miracle that much more obvious.  It was even cold!  So we call it the "Miracle of the Sandia". 

To continue the story, we thought everything would be fine after that ... it was not.  M_____ continues to hang up the phone on me and none of the family went to church.  AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can´t even tell you how much that freaks me out!!  I was thinking a lot about our miracle of the sandia.  At first I thought that the answer to our fast was not a real answer.  I thought that it could not be fair because they are still not doing great.  I continued to worry about it until my companoin said "Hermana, El señor respondio a nuestras ayno todo va a ser bien. (The lord responded to our fast.  Everything will be good.) That is when I realized that God listens to and answers prayers, not just mine but everyones.  He loved me enough to send me to their house when C____ was home.  He listens to me freak out in all directions.  He listens to me when I am convinced I will never make it to heaven and He listens when I tell him I can do it by myself (both big lies).  He cries with me and laughs with me.  He holds me when I tell Him I can´t do it anymore and confirms to me when I understand what He is trying to teach me.  He is kind and all knowing.  He will do the same for M_____!  He will do the same for C_____, M_____, A____ and A___!  He will watch and care for P____ and E_____.  He will guide P_____, V_____ and J_____. He will be patient with them too.  He will love them and be there for them whether they want it or not.  He will use their talents and experiences to build them and help them understand just as He is doing with me!  I realized that no matter how much I love them and want them to follow the example of the Savior, the Savior wants it and loves them MORE!  He is the definition of loving MOST!  He will be there when they decide to follow Him. That is why the name below mine on my name tag is so much more important!  His is the only one that saves!  It is a good thing He loves them so much and He will continue to be here in Chile after this next change.  

So we will see what happens with them.  The good news is M____ is doing well.  He continues to battle against smoking, but he is fighting.  He did not go to church two Sundays ago either.  But he came yesterday.  I am like an open book (as you know) ... so he could see the relief in my face when I saluded him.  He leaned over and said "you were worried that I was never going to come back, weren´t you!?"  I told him the truth.  He was funny about it.  He told me 'No me conoces!' (you don´t know me!) many times throughout the day.  We have a cita with him on Wednesday so I am sure I will get more of a lecture about that.  I am just happy that he is in it and it it for good!  It feels good to know that investigators are not in it for the missionaries. 

C____ C____ is doing great!  She has not gone to church a lot and now has the goal for the temple!  She is so sweet!  I love listening to her when she prays. Her voice changes and it almost sounds like a child talking to her daddy.  Which is exactly what it is!  Her son died ten years ago and the anniversary was this week. She was pretty sad.  But she is a huge strength to us.  We love going to her house.  I love helping people make their family eternal!  It makes me happy! 

P____ and E_____ are as cute as they can be.  We have family night every Sunday and it is always a "fight" about who will give the lesson.  I try to get E____ to give it every week but it does not work well ;).  P____ told us it was our turn.  I laughed and said 'but this is family night of familia gasitua flores', so they had to give the lesson.  So P____ said: "Exactly!, so my oldest daughter Carlie is going to give the lesson!"  It made me very happy!  So I gave in;).  We watched this terribly corney video about families with them last night. P____ did not really watch much of it because she was a little distracted with her sister and her crazy dogs, but E_____ did!  He had his eyes glued to the TV.  We were able to rekindle that hope of them having an eternal family some day.  They walked us out of their house and E_____ fought to walk next to her and hold her hand ... and it made me very happy! 

I think that is it for the week.  We are happy!  My life is good!  I am learning so much!  I hope you all have a great week!  I miss you, but I really love being a missionary!  God is so good!  He loves us infinitely, and personally!  ... Which makes him quite the teacher!  I love learning from Him!  I love being in Chile!  And, I love being in His hands!  He is good!  Please keep familia B_____ in your prayers this week.  Love you all! 

Hermana Webb

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