Saturday, July 19, 2014

In Hands that I trust so much more than my own ...

How are you all!?!? I love you all so much!!

This had to be one of the best weeks of my entire life!! Let´s just start and end with all of the good stuff becuase there is a lot!!

On Tuesday night we passed by quick to see if there was something else E_and P_ needed for the big day and right when we walked in, I thought E_ was finishing a big glass of wine!!!!  I almost died. I felt like all of the blood went to my stomach and I did not even want to walk.  As we were talking I said to V_, "I don´t know how to tell you this but your dad is not going to get baptized.  She seemd surprised and said "but why!?" I told her that he had to live the Word of Wisdom.  Then she told us "Hermanas! Do you really think he would give up this chance he has to get baptized!?"  "He is drinking soda pop!"  "He only wants to get baptized!!"  It was such a relief!! He too, promised me it was pop .... glad I was wrong.

SO! Wednesday was just plain beautiful!! We got up early in the morning and went straight to P_´s house! E_ had finally asked for her hand in marriage on Monday, so they had these beautiful golden rings that had the name of the other engraven inside!  They are so cute!!  So on Wednesday we just helped everyone!  I did hair and my comp did makeup!  They all looked so beautiful!!  Then we all squished into the back of this van. It was even more fun because both of their families came to see the wedding. Everyone had squeezed into the apartment the night before.  It was pretty funny seeing everyone try to squeeze into a van.  We all went to the rejistro civil and waited there and I could not have been happier.  President Wright even brought Hermana Maciel to the wedding!!  It was so fun all together ... all of the people that I love!  I could not stop hugging people and giving men handshakes. :-)  The judge was super corney but it was good.  He talked about all of the life they were going to have together, and I could not help but whisper in J_´s ear every other second that it was not just this life, it was going to be forever!! That is pretty cool! That is what I want as missionary!  I love it when people get baptized and stuff, but when it includes their family, it just makes it that much better!  It was fun to talk with the whole family after at the lunch. Their family is all made up of active members menos activos and people who don´t want anything to do with us.  But we all got along really well.  After lunch we tried to be good missionaries and we went teaching for a couple of hours, only to go back to the church that night for E_´s baptism.  This part so was beautiful!!  E_ had a smilie from ear to ear the whole day!!!  He was so excited.  He was loving every second.  His baptism was great!!  Tons of the ward went and even better, all of his family went.  They are awesome!  V_ gave the talk on the first principles of the Gospel and she did great!!!  Then to end, R_ sang the first verse of I am a Child of God and we finished with him!! What a sweet day!! 

Thursday was just as sweet!!! We anxiously woke up and tried to get some work done and then went to B_ house because we drove to the temple with them.  They were all so nervous.  One of the sweetest things about C_ is when he got so excited when he found out that he can be baptized for his dad.  His dad killed himself and there are a lot of churches that say that that person is lost.  I love the message of hope the gospel brings!!!  So he got his dad´s name ready and his daughter got her grandma´s name ready (C_'s mom also died when he was really young.)  And then M_ brought her grandmas name. V_ and J_ also went to the temple!!  It was absolutely amazing!!  I was dying!!  The spirit was so strong.  You just can´t talk the temple up too much!  They were all really excited to go and they all loved it!!  Afterwards I gave them the test and they understood it all!  I had taken almost all of them earlier to the temple grounds to show them the outside and the first part of the inside and told each one of them that they could not go any futher.  Can I tell you how fun it was to welcome them in!?!?!  It just does not get any better than that, I am telling you!  I much perfer this!  I love to know when people really have changed their lives!  It really happened with them.  I am so proud and so happy!

Friday was still great because we had an activity with all of the moms and daughters. They showed a slide show and half of the slides were these girls that I have sooooo come to just adore!  P_ and her two daughters went, L_ and her daughter went, and M_ and her daughter went (with C_!  I don´t know why he came but I thought it was cute that he did!  He was helping with everything and cleaned the entire chapel afterwards!!)  I just really love these families!!  What a blessing!  

Saturday we had an awesome lesson with Y_.  She is the one who always went to the hospital with us (by the way I_ left that hospital ... we don´t know what happened to him, and have no way to contact him. BUMMER!) We went to an awesome members house and she is finally going to start progressing again! She is planning on going to church not this week but the next. She is funny she keeps telling us that she is afraid to pray to God because she knows the answer is going to be that yes, the church is true and she is going to have to change her life, which won´t be easy!  But she is awesome and God will help her do it!!!  We are going to a FHE with her and her son this next week to see if we can get him interested because I think she will feel bettrer if she has the support of her little family. 

Sunday was awesome!! This member in our ward (who I LOVE!!) came to me and gave me this present in the milddle of the meeting and then got up and testified of all I had done for her and her family (awkward but I love her...)  Then she told the whole ward that I am leaving.  It was funny because everyone came running after the meething ¿se va? I had to explain a lot of times that I still had a week to go but it was hard to get out of the building afterwards. 

Now I am here writing you!!  Good week, right!?!?  I am so happy!!  I am also so sick!!  I went home from church early ... I had like three mom´s calling me making sure I was doing better.  I love Apoquindo!!  M_ basically obligated me to stay inside the rest of the day.  We had an appointment with her and she called and said ..."even if you do feel better you are just going to feel worse if you leave so you should stay home."  I told her my mom would be grateful for what she did! 

Okay, so I continue to learn how personally God knows each of us.  Because it is time for me to leave Apoquindo, I started to worry about what would happen to all of these people I love so much who I want to have the peace of the Gospel stay with them.  So, that night I prayed to God a lot and I just asked Him to help them. After I finished my prayer, I layed down to just go to sleep. Suddenly this huge comforting feeling came over me!  God whispered that I did not have to worry because "they are in My hands just like you are!"  It was so comforting.  I thought about all that God has done for me and all of the faith I have that He will do for me, and I was overcome! I feel good going on to another sector and leaving all of these people in hands that I trust so much more than my own!! God is so good!  He knows my fears, and my hopes!  He really does love us!  I love that! 

I love you all so much!!  I hope your life feels as happy as mine! God is good! His way is a lot better than our own way! 

Hermana Webb

Mision Chile Santiago Este
Cristobal Colon 6824
Las Condes
Santiago, Region Metropolitana

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