Monday, October 20, 2014

Spiritually blind ...

How are you all!? I love you so very much! This week went flying by ... Which is good and bad. I am now starting to realize that seeing you guys will also mean that this is all going to end.  Which on one side is really exciting because I am excited to start a new chapter as Carlie as an ex missionary.  I hope to be a better Carlie than I was before.  But, at the same time, it is going to be kind of hard to finish this without wishing I could continue with some parts. 

We had a "NO trunkie" meeting this week!  That was pretty funny because to be perfectly honest it just made me more trunkie. They asked us to choose scriptures that describe how we feel and one sister chose the scripture that says that we should be fishers of men because right now we are fishing for people to listen to the gospel but soon we will fish men! It was pretty funny and she totally left president SPEECHLESS ... which does not happen much. 

So this week we actually had a lot of success.  We are pretty happy about it.  We continue to contact every one and their dog (almost literally) ... And we might actually be finding some people that are interested. They are all at the beginning, but I think I am going to be leaving this sector a lot more full than I thought with investigators and I am happy about that!!!  And I feel like we were not in the street all week ... we were in more citas and working with more people. I wish I had more stories but we are waiting to see what happens with all of these contacts.  It is a slow process but now that it is finally moving it feels good!! 

Last week we contacted this cute little Peruvian lady.  She just works in our sector so we will soon pass on her information but we made a cita kind of at the end of the contact. I was sure that she would not be there. But she was there waiting for us. She even stayed late at work so she could talk to us. We talked for a little while about the love that God has for us and how he is our Heavenly Father and how we are His greatest gift, so He wants us to have the same and has given us families.  She ate it all up and wanted another cita.  She was cute about it because we told her that she was not in our sector and that we were going to have to pass her name onto the other missionaries.  She was bummed and did not give us her address, so we are going to keep working with her so she can meet with her missionaries.  She told us at the end, "you know I listen to everyone but there is something different about you two."  It was pretty exciting!

Then later in the week we were contacting when we found a lady watering her garden. She told us that she was a member of the church but that she did not go anymore. It had been a long time since she had gone to church. She was not going to let us in but her cute mom was there with her because she was too sick to be in her own house.  We got to teach them and yesterday we brought them the sacrament. This cute old lady riminds me of Gogo so much!!!  She is like the spanish version of Gogo!  She kept saying 'I lost my head and I can`t seem to find it again.'  She was frustrated because she thinks she is a burden and not a blessing and that she just wants to be better so she can go back home.  Her daughter is an amazing woman.  We took her the Sacrament this week and it was really beautiful.  She has been a member for 47 years (which is almost the amount of time the church was even here!)  She took the sacrament with so much respect and so much reverence that the spirit was really strong! I hope we can help the daughter want to come to church so her sweet mom can participate with all of us. 

A_ is doing really well.  We were running around so much this week that we did not have too much time to talk to her.  But she continues to progress slowly.  We are hopefully going to do a FHE with some members that are her neighbors soon so we can start teaching the whole family.  She has two brothers and her parents. 

Y_ also continues to progress. She makes me so happy! We saw her talking outside with some lady so we greeted her.  Her friend looked at us like we were two little rats and said "aren`t they Mormons?!?!" (how could you talk to Mormons!?!?) And Y_ responded with YES! They are my friends!! It was great! We are also starting to work more with her husband. 

This week I studied the word blind.  Hermana Wright told us in the trunkie meeting that we should ask God what other things He has prepared for us to teach.  I love that!  So I asked Him.  And at least that week He wanted to teach me about being blind. There are so many ways that we can be blind. In the bible dictionary it explains a couple of different reasons that we are blinded.  Sometimes we are born blind (physically), but sometimes we develop our blindness because we don`t take care of our spiritual eyes, or we catch a spiritual sickness because we are hanging out with too many people who are also blind.  It was really interesting to study all of the stories in the Bible of people who came to the Savior and begged him to give them the light that they were missing but to think of it spiritually and not physically.  Each of these people had been blind for a long time.  I am sure they had tried everything else, but in the end they chose to come to Him. Just like mom said about the empty tomb ... some people came to him running, some were carried, some had to push past unbelievers to get to his feet, some had to follow him for a long time, and some had to just wait for him at the temple, but each one came and found that it IS as he said!  He can heal us.  We see things so distorted.  We forget how good it is to LOVE, how good it is to be obedient, how good it is to give, and we get locked up in a prideful blindiness that does not let us see things as they really are.  Sometimes we are blind because we are too caught up in anger and the thing that is making us angry seems to overtake everything else.  Some times we are caught up in self-pity and our problems seem like the only ones in the world.  Sometimes we are caught up in self-righteousness and seem to see only our strengths and other peoples weaknesses.  Sometimes we are caught up in fear and our doubts and insecurities seem to overtake our view.  All of these things overshadow the truth that we really DO love that person we are mad at, that there are other people that we can help and that Christ DOES have the way to heal our hurts. When we take off the blindness we can see our weaknesses and take them to the Savior and let Him make them strengths.  And finally when we let him heal us from our blindness, we can see his strength in the mists of a random world and find the true peace he promised his Disciples. I love when it really is AS HE SAID! Sometimes it is hard to constantly be asking for HIS sight instead of mine! I get fed up with realizing that once again I am looking at a situation, myself or someone else, - blind, but when I humble myself as the men in the bible and tell Christ that I need Him and that I believe that he can heal my blindness ... He heals me! I testify of his power! I love you all so much! God is real and so are His promises! 

Love Hermana Webb

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